Nord Kajakuthyrning


Rental Terms & Tips

You sign the full rental terms and conditions of purchase at the time of payment. Please read these terms carefully. Some important points:

  • All paddling is at your own risk.
  • You must have good swimming skills.
  • You must be minimum 18 years or accompanied by a guardian.
  • Always use a life jacket when paddling.
  • Bring a cell phone in a waterproof case that is easily accessible if you capsize.
  • Return the rented equipment in the same condition as when you received it. In the event of lost or damaged equipment, you are liable for compensation
  • You can cancel the rental up to 24 hours before the activity starts for a fee. You receive a full refund if the acivity is cancelled due to strong winds. Read more in the full rental terms. 

Good to bring: wind and water resistant jacket, cap, sunglasses, sun protection factor, lunch & snacks, water/drink, band aid, thin shoes, preferably neoprene (good contact with the rudder pedals and as protection against cuts when going into the water, sneakers often become too bulky), extra clothes & towel in a waterproof sack. Neoprene shorts or thin neoprene pants if you rent surfskis (swimming shorts work fine but can get a little cold as there is usually little water in the surfski cockpit). Waterproof trousers or shorts if you rent a kayak and have not tested the wet exit (in that case you are paddling without a cockpit canopy and some water may splash into the cockpit).

Nordkoster’s Harbor Association has toilets 100 m from the rental. There is also drinking water from a tap on the outside.